CIVS Staff and Students Visit NIPSCO Generating Station

On August 7, CIVS staff and students visited NIPSCO’s Michigan City Generating Station. This included visits to the boiler, bag house, and FGD systems, among others. PNW attendees included three undergraduate Mechanical Engineering students working with CIVS on related projects, and two graduate research assistants working on combustion modeling. The tour was organized and supported by Aerielle Kackos (Strategy & Risk Consultant Lead) and Bin Wu (Manager, R&D and Partnerships, Corporate Strategy & Risk, and former CIVS Research Engineer) to provide students with a better understanding of industrial power generation facilities. NIPCSO is a long-time collaborator with PNW and CIVS and has been a Charter member of the Steel Manufacturing Simulation and Visualization Consortium (SMSVC) since its inception in 2016.

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