AIST Midwest Chapter Dinner Keynote Highlights Transition to Renewable Energy in the Region

On October 10, more than 25 CIVS undergraduate and graduate research students, faculty mentors, and professors attended the AIST Midwest Member Chapter Dinner at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville. During the event, words of praise and acknowledgment were given to CIVS students in attendance, who were called to stand up by the speaker and given a round of applause. This impactful gesture allows students to be recognized as the next generation of the industry’s workforce.

The event started with a speech by Mike Schwentor, AIST Midwest Member Chapter Chair, highlighting the growth of the Midwest chapter as the largest AIST member chapter. The keynote speaker, Ron Talbot, Senior Vice President of Electrical Operations at Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), highlighted NIPSCO’s roadmap to retire all coal-fired generation by 2028. This drive toward renewable energy has environmental benefits and lower-cost energy options for customers. Adding wind, solar, and battery technology to our region’s electric generation portfolio is an essential transition for the infrastructure of Northwest Indiana.

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