CIVS Demonstration at ArcelorMittal’s Global Health and Safety Day

On April 28, ArcelorMittal’s Global Health and Safety Day events included a demonstration of a CIVS virtual reality (VR) simulator that lets users experience fire safety scenarios. This simulator includes accurate sites and scenarios in a virtual environment.  It implements the industry standard PASS method (Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the flame, Squeeze the lever, Sweep back and forth) to extinguish a virtual fire.

The simulator was developed together with the Deer Field Training Center, which was used to train over 4,000 employees at Burns Harbor Plant, Cleveland Cliffs.   It is now available to all consortium members as part of a suite of safety simulators developed through the SMSVC’s Safety and Training Committee.  The SMSVC is dedicated to the long-term goal of improving safety and reducing fatalities to zero. The Fire Safety Simulator is

During the demo, John “Jack” Moreland, CIVS Senior Research Scientist, guided participants through the different applications within the SMSVC Fire Safety Simulator. Excellent feedback was given by Bernard Chukwulebe, who is the Manager of Process Technologies and Digitalization at ArcelorMittal Global R&D – East Chicago and others. ArcelorMittal is a Charter member of SMSVC.  Their site-based health and safety committees run regular safety campaigns to achieve zero fatalities and severe lost time injuries (LTIs), which includes their Global Health and Safety Day.

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