Student Success Story: Yanan Song

Congratulations to Yanan Song who recently graduated with his Master of Electrical and Computer Engineering after defending his thesis titled “Feature Fusion Deep Learning Method for Video and Audio Emotion Recognition.”

In his time at the Center for Innovation through Visualization and Simulation(CIVS), Song started as a Research Assistant and went on to work as a Research Engineer. He led three highly collaborative Machine Learning industry projects and mentored graduate and senior design students for research projects in the metallurgy industry.

Song’ work was integral to the Integrated Virtual Blast Furnace for Real-time Energy Efficiency Improvement Project. The project is expected to have a significant impact by reducing energy consumption by 4.5% to 10% in blast furnaces and downstream processes, improving productivity and product quality, and reducing emissions from the manufacturing process. The goal is to develop a tool for industrial iron and steelmaking companies to improve blast furnace energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, and to develop a virtual training model for workforce development.

The project includes SMSVC partners; ArcelorMittal USA, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Praxair Inc.- a Linde Company, Purdue University West Lafayette, and U. S. Steel. Yanan Song’s hard work has led to an open offer from a charter member of the SMSVC.

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